Prague, 25 May 2000
- Greenpeace demands today from the monopoly electricity producer in the Czech Republic - CEZ, to publish the exact prices for which it exports electricity. All recently published information is pointing to the fact, that CEZ exports electricity for a lower price than the cost of production and is henceforth harming the interests of domestic consumers.
"According official sources in the Ministry of Industry and Trade, CEZ produced last year electricity for an average cost of 864 Czech crowns per Megawatthour, but exported for two hundred crowns less," notices Jiri Tutter, director of the Czech Greenpeace office. He demands that, when CEZ tells the public that it does not sell electricity under price, it has to publish exact figures.
The environmental organization Greenpeace turns today to Teodor Dvorak, president of the board of CEZ, to ask him to give exact information to the public on the following issues:
* for which prices is CEZ exporting electricity
* how much electricity does CEZ plan to export in the year 2000
* to which countries it exports electricity currently
* which foreign companies take electricity from CEZ.
According to some information, CEZ is at present already exporting more electricity than will be produced by Temelin after it will go on the grid. The largest amount of the exported electricity goes to neighboring Germany. "When CEZ wants to finish an unsafe Temelin, only to be able to export its electricity under price to Germany, then that is a scandal," concludes Tutter.
Vaclav Vasku
Press spokesperson of Greenpeace Czech Republic
For more information:
Vaclav Vasku
mobile: +420.603.414 739
telephone: +420.2.24 31 96 67
Or English and German language:
Jan Haverkamp
mobile: +420.604.257 822